Follow account on Twitter/X using Playwright

We start with an authenticated account. If you’d like to know how to authenticate on Twitter/X using Playwright, read this post.

Much of the code is similar to what we did before. So let’s go straight to it

  await goHome(page);

  // Open a tweet
  const showMore = await page.$("span:has-text('Show more')");
  await page.waitForSelector("span:has-text('Post')");

  // Go to the author's profile
  const tweetUrl = page.url(); //
  const username = tweetUrl.split("/")[3];
  await page.goto(`${username}`);

  // Open its "following" list

  // follow the first 3 users
  const followButtons = await page
    .locator("//span[contains(text(), 'Follow')]")
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    await followButtons[i].click();

The source code is a bit different. It has intentional wait-times. My intention is to make the behavior less robotic and more human by introducing delays.

I’m still learning Playwright. While doing this, I learned how to get all elements using a locator. Before, I only knew how to click on an element. This time, I didn’t want to click on all “Follow” buttons. So, I listed all elements and then clicked on some of them.

Getting all elements is considered a rare case by Playwright, haha.

The code

Find the code here and a video demo below. Thanks for reading!