Generate a Twitter/X Thread using ChatGPT

This is the first thread we posted.

I described how I used Playwright to post a thread on Twitter/X. That’s an essential part of building self-managed social media account. Our system needs a way to generate content and post it. Until now, I covered how to post. In this article I show how to generate the content to post.

Enter, unsurprinsingly, ChatGPT.

I used ChatGPT to give me an idea on how to start building a self-managed social media account. It suggested to created agents with different roles: writer, engagement, trends analyzer, spam, among others.

It also provided me with code examples using the Twitter API. Since I’ll be using Playwright for the interactions, most of the suggested code was discarded. But I kept the concept of using agents.

Ideally, I will have a system where I specify a topic and the system starts creating content periodically about that topic. The topic I chose to post about is Mental Models. There are several mental models (wide range) and each one is rich (deep range).

These are the first days of the system, so many things are done manually or hard-coded.

I created a simple agent called planner. Its task is to choose a mental model and explain it in a series of tweets to be posted in a thread.

prompt: Explain the details of the mental model "{model}" in a series of tweets.

I’m using langchain to facilitate the interaction with LLMs. I built the simplest “reasoning” app. In langchain there the concept of chains. It’s like piping processing. There’s also the concept of model, templates, parsers among others. You can chain a template with a model with a parser to build a “reasoning” app.

Let’s look at my specific example:

The chain

// The template
const taskPrompt = `You manage a twitter account about mental models.
   Your task is to explain a mental model in a series of tweets.
   Each tweet should be no longer than 280 characters.
   Separate tweets with three dashes "---".
const introPrompt = `Explain the details of the mental model "{model}" in a series of tweets.`;
const promptTemplate = ChatPromptTemplate.fromMessages([
  ["system", taskPrompt],
  ["human", introPrompt],

// The model
const model = new ChatOpenAI({ model: "gpt-4o", temperature: 0.7 });

// The parser
const parser = new StringOutputParser();

// The chain
const chain = promptTemplate.pipe(model).pipe(parser);

Now that we have a chain, we can give it an input and it will be processed by each part of the chain and provide an output.

const output = await chain.invoke({ model: "First Principles" });

The output, as I specified in the taskPrompt above, will contain several tweets separated by ---.

first tweet
second tweet
last tweet

I process that output and save it to a jsonl file. This file is then read by the Playwright Script that posts the thread.

{ "tweet": "first tweet"}
{ "tweet": "second tweet"}
{ "tweet": "last tweet"}

Eventually, I will update both systems to interact with each other. One will produce the content and the other one will post it. For the time being, I execute the script to generate the content manually, move the file and run the script to publish the thread using Playwright.

I hope you don’t judge my naive solutions while developing this self-managed social media accounts 😅.

The code

Find the code of the planner. Thanks for reading!